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Chico Xavier Spiritist Society 
We are friends, we are family, we are CXSS



Chico Xavier Spiritist Society is a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization incorporated under the State of California and tax exempt under Federal law. Its purpose is the constant study, practice, and dissemination of Spiritism as first compiled by Allan Kardec. The Society is active in conducting spiritual, moral, and material assistance programs to benefit and empower persons in need.

At CXSS we are all volunteers who love what we do!

     Our Story:


     Our group started in 2006 with a few friends who got together at home with the goal to study spiritism. With time, we welcomed more people to join and the space became too small. It was time to open Chico Xavier Spiritist Society (CXSS). Our first commercial space was a small office that fit 20 people, where we provided public lectures, hands on healing and spiritism classes. Fast forward 3 years, and it was time to grow again. This time we moved to a larger office space, with 3 separate rooms, where we were able to accommodate more people.


     Our group continued to grow and two years later, we found an even larger space that allowed us to add new activities, such as children and youth classes, and gave us more flexibility to offer fraternal conversations, spiritism classes, individual treatment and healing, a kitchen for occasional snacks, and accommodate a larger group of people. Some days we had more than 60 attendees at our public lectures.


     Today, ten years later, we need to find a new space where we can continue to grow and offer assistance to our community. Our lease will not be renewed and although it is hard to leave, we also see the amazing possibilities ahead of us. We have long dreamed about expanding our charity services and would love to continue our learning journey with others in spiritism!

    What we do?

     Our group strongly believes in supporting those in need, especially emotionally. Spiritism has a whole-person approach, a holistic way to care and support the person who is asking for help. We look at the whole, we look within. And we do this with so much love and compassion. This concept is in everything we do, from our public lectures, fraternal conversations, to our hands on healing and classes.


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